Major Curves Belly Fat Burner Review (UPDATED!)

Major Curves Belly Fat Burner Review

Here we have our Major Curves Belly Fat Burner review. In this review, we’ll go over Major Curves Belly Fat Burner benefits, potential side effects, as well as check the before and after results of other customers.

What’s interesting about this particular fat burner is that it claims to specifically target your belly fat – reducing it “by up to 16%” without shrinking your butt, hips, breasts of thighs.

Right off the bat, Major Curves Belly Fat Burner loses some of its credibility. Why? Because, as much as we’d all want, it’s impossible to choose where you’ll lose fat first. A healthy diet and a good fat burner will naturally put your body in a fat-burning mode, but where you will lose fat first depends entirely on your genetics!

In some people, face and legs are the first to start showing the signs of weight loss. In luckier individuals, that might be belly and hips.

With that said, what results can you expect from Major Curves Belly Fat Burner?

Let’s find out more in our review below!

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How to Take Major Curves Belly Fat Burner

Major Curves Belly Fat Burner dosage is 2 capsules in one dose every day. You can take it either with or without food, but the best timing would be before you eat food, as this product works specifically for blocking carbs.

Since one bottle has 60 capsules, Major Curves Belly Fat Burner will last you one month.

Major Curves Belly Fat Burner: The Ingredients

Major Curves Belly Fat Burner Ingredients

Besides the active ingredient, Major Curves Belly Fat has no fillers or preservatives. This means it only has a single ingredient and a veggie capsule. It’s a clean supplement, that’s for sure!

So, the only active ingredient in Major Curves Belly Fat Burner is Green Coffee Bean – also known as Coffee canephora if you want to geek out.

It’s standardized to 50% polyphenols and 45% chlorogenic acids, out of which 10% is 5-caffeolyquinic acid. The latter is reportedly behind most of Green Coffee Bean benefits.

So, what is green coffee bean for anyone unfamiliar? It’s a raw coffee bean in its unroasted state. This type of coffee bean doesn’t have a lot of caffeine like its roasted cousins, but what it lacks in caffeine it makes up with chlorogenic acids, a mixture of compounds that are reported to aid weight loss.

But can the compounds in green coffee bean really get you slimmer? Here’s a closer look at the science…

Green Coffee Bean Extract – Does it Burn Fat?

So, here’s the deal. Green coffee bean’s compounds are shown in research to help prevent weight gain. But they don’t actually burn existing fat off the body. (source)

It all boils down to what chlorogenic acids in Green Coffee Bean do. Essentially, when you ingest these compounds, your body becomes slower at breaking down carbs from the food you eat.

This allows the body to have more time to process the carbs so your blood sugars don’t spike high. If you already didn’t know, high blood sugar is what basically tells your body to store more fat, and hold onto existing fat.

So in that regard, Green Coffee Bean is a great ingredient. But for fat burning? It’s not very effective!

Learn more about how Green Coffee Bean works and the studies here:

Our Thoughts on the Ingredient Profile

Green coffee bean is an excellent ingredient – many of the best fat burners on the market have it.

However, just one ingredient alone can’t do all the heavy lifting on its own. You need to pair it with more proven ingredients, including an appetite suppressant, a thermogenic ingredient, and other metabolic boosters to really see a difference in the mirror.

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Does Major Curves Belly Fat Burner Have Side Effects?

Green coffee bean can, ironically, make bloating worse if you already have issues with it.

However, this happens only in rare cases. Also, apart from this slightly annoying side effect, Major Curves Belly Fat Burner’s active ingredient isn’t known to cause any major side effects.

Major Curves Belly Fat Burner Review Summary

So, that ends our Major Curves Belly Fat Burner review. Is this product worth your money?

Although it has green coffee bean, which is a good carb blocker, it’s not as effective at burning actual body fat. It’s more targeted for preventing weight gain.

In that sense, a proven thermogenic ingredient like cayenne pepper, along with an appetite suppressant such as Glucomannan and a few other fat-burning ingredients would do Major Curves Belly Fat Burner good!

If you want to try it out, it costs about $30. For just one ingredient, this is not the best value for money. It’s best to do more research before picking this one.

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